
The African tigerfish is a medium-sized fish. It’s native to Africa but it can be found in other regions. It is also known as the sand tiger, or spotted tigre. It is a member of the same family as the barbs and has an elongated body with a prominent dorsal fin and a forked tail. It has large scales that are dark brown or black with yellow spots on the upper body and sides. The belly is white with two rows of blue-green spots above each scale row.

Tigerfish can grow up to 3 ft (1 m) long and weigh up to 14 lbs (6 kg). They have been known to jump out of water entirely when hooked by a fisherman! Their temperaments vary from one individual fish to another: some are very aggressive while others are much less so. Some experts say that this species should not be kept in captivity due to its aggressive nature; however, others have successfully kept them in an aquarium environment without any serious issues arising from their behavior at all.

Tigerfish are an excellent choice for those looking for a unique and exciting pet. They are hardy, active, and can live up to 10 years in the right environment. With proper care they can be trained to take food from your hand or the tank walls – which is sure to delight any fish enthusiast! If you’re ready to add this amazing creature to your aquarium, then browse our selection of Tigerfish today! You won’t regret bringing home one of these stunning specimens.