
Northern Pike is a long, slender fish found in freshwater lakes and rivers throughout North America. They have an olive to yellow-colored body with dark spots along their back, sides, and fins. Northern pike can grow up to 24 inches in length and weigh up to 15 pounds. These apex predators are known for their voracious appetites and have been known to eat a variety of different fish, frogs, small mammals, and even another northern pike. Northern pike is highly sought after for their delicious flesh and large size.


This fish prefers cold-water habitats with slow-moving currents and plenty of vegetation for cover. They are usually found in deep lakes, rivers, creeks, ponds, and streams where they can hide from predators and search for food. They need an area that provides sufficient oxygen so they often migrate to areas that have higher levels of oxygenation. By moving to these areas, they can continue to grow and thrive in their environment. Northern pike like to congregate in large schools and can be found swimming near the bottom of the lake or river.

Physical Characteristics

They have an elongated, robust body that is olive to yellow with dark spots along its back and fins. It has a large mouth lined with sharp teeth and a protruding lower jaw. Its long, cylindrical body has large scales that give it some protection from predators such as bass and walleye. The northern pike has large eyes, a long dorsal fin, and an adipose fin located behind it. Its tail is wide and deeply forked with yellow or white stripes along its sides. It also has long barbells that protrude from their upper jaw which helps them detect prey in the water.

Feeding Habits

This is voracious predators, feeding on whatever they can find in their environment. They typically feed on small fish, frogs, and other aquatic invertebrates such as crustaceans and insects. Northern pike will also occasionally eat smaller mammals that wander too close to the water’s edge. They hunt primarily by sight and rely on their large eyes, sharp teeth, and protruding lower jaw to detect prey. They will ambush their prey by laying in wait before quickly striking and consuming it whole. They can also use their lateral line system to detect movement in the water which helps them locate food even in murky waters. They are opportunistic feeders and will eat whatever they can catch. In the springtime, northern pike will feed heavily on spawning fish for energy to begin their spawning season.


This is one of the most popular game fish in North America due to its size and aggressive nature. They are highly sought after by anglers looking for a challenging catch that will put up a fight. Northern pike tends to be wary of lures, so it can take some patience and skill to successfully catch them. The best time to target northern pike is early in the morning or late in the evening when they are most active and actively seeking food. Anglers should also be mindful of their surroundings and make sure to use lures that closely resemble baitfish. It’s also important to remember that northern pike can be surprisingly aggressive, so caution should always be taken when handling them. With the right techniques, the northern pike can be an exciting and rewarding catch for anglers of all skill levels.

Why is this Fish a good mount?

This is is an excellent choice for mounting due to their impressive size, sharp teeth, and unique coloration. Thanks to its long body and large eyes, the northern pike has a striking presence that will catch the eye of any observer. The northern pike’s distinctive yellow-green coloring and black spots also add to its appeal when mounted. Its long dorsal fin and forked tail give it a unique look that will stand out in any collection. The sharp teeth of the northern pike also make for an impressive display, reminding viewers of its fearsome predatory nature in the wild. With its colorful appearance and fierce attitude, the northern pike makes for an excellent mount that looks great on any wall.